Airdrie Briar Hill Midwives are experienced midwives who can support their patients through their time of loss.
Pregnancy Loss

A miscarriage is defined as pregnancy loss before 20 weeks gestation and occurs in 20% of pregnancies. The most common reason miscarriage occurs is due to chromosome abnormalities. Other causes can include: maternal disease, uterus abnormalities, exposure to teratogens or infection.The medical term for a miscarriage is spontaneous abortion. If you are concerned you are experiencing a miscarriage, please call your midwives on the pager (403-214-7557 Opt.1).

Signs of a miscarriage:

  • There may not be any signs present and the loss will be found during an ultrasound
  • pain low in your pelvis - can be mild or severe cramping
  • vaginal bleeding - may be light or heavy with clots or tissue
  • fever - 38.5 degrees celsius or higher

Page your midwives if you have any symptoms that may indicate that you are having a miscarriage.

Managing A Miscarriage:

Miscarriages can be managed naturally, with medication or with surgery. Your midwives will refer you to the Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic when required.

For information about options for miscarriages, please click here to view the video available from the Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic in Calgary.

Pregnancy loss is a difficult time for families. There are numerous support agencies available to you and your family if you lose a baby. Please call your midwife if you need support or resources.

Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Centre