Airdrie Briar Hill Midwives are experienced midwives focussing on Airdrie and surrounding area mothers-to-be.
Airdrie Briar Hill Midwives is the Airdrie branch of Briar Hill Midwives, the longest established midwifery practice in the Calgary area.
What Is Midwifery Care?

Midwives specialize in low risk pregnancies and childbirth. Midwifery is based on the principles of health and well-being, recognizing that conception, pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding are natural life processes. The care midwives provide include offering the standard of care, while also conducting informed choice discussions throughout pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum periods so that families feel informed and that they can make choices that are best for them and their families. Midwives work collaboratively with other health care providers and are able to do consultations with obstetricians if things arise in pregnancy that are outside of the scope of midwifery. Midwives are also trained in emergency skills, and carry equipment in their cars for safe out of hospital births. One of the most sought after things about midwives is the continuity of care they provide throughout the pregnancy, birth and postpartum journey.

Mary and all the midwives at Airdrie Briar Hill Midwives are caring individuals with mother and baby's health in mind.
Welcoming a newborn into the world.
The wonder of childbirth
Mary Landsiedel, RM

Mary is a long time resident of Airdrie and established this practice to better service Airdrie and surrounding locations. Airdrie Briar Hill Midwives cares for families in many rural locations.

Our current Airdrie team is made up of two midwives, with a third being added in early Summer 2024. Our Briar Hill location in Calgary employs about 20 midwives. Those who already have patients in the Airdrie area will continue their care.

Our clinic is centrally located in Airdrie, Alberta, and offers a warm and inviting environment.

Click here to read more about Mary and her team of dedicated midwives concentrating on the Airdrie and surrounding communities.

Welcoming a newborn into the world.


Through the years, Mary has been instrumental in helping to progress midwifery in Alberta: she served as the Chair of the Midwifery Health Disciplines Committee from 2006 to 2013, worked with Canadian midwifery regulators to create a bridging program for internationally educated midwives coming to Canada, served as midwifery liaison at the Peter Lougheed hospital, participated on the funding negotiations team with Alberta Association of Midwives, and assisted Mount Royal University with the proposal to government for the midwifery program. Mary started teaching in the midwifery program in 2011 following completion of her Masters of Midwifery from the University of Sheffield. She took on the role of Program Coordinator and was instrumental in helping the program receive its first Campus Alberta Quality Council Approval in 2019.